We are hosting our 11th event on the 27th of February at the Royal Irish Academy (RIA) on the topic of Prison Radicalisation. We would love to see some more ASIS members there. Book your seat at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/irish-security-series-11-prison-radicalisation-certainty-or-rarity-tickets-55447677496?aff=erelexpmlt
There is a common perception that prisons are ‘schools of crime’ and in the context of extremism, schools of radicalisation. But how true is this assumption, especially given than prison design, culture and management differ so significant across the globe. Can theories of absolute certainty really stand up to scrutiny in this case? While some still argue radicalisation within prisons is a guaranteed consequence of imprisonment, more critical analysts and academics argue that prison radicalisation is more the exception than the rule. Furthermore, they argue that even if individuals are radicalised in prison it is even rarer that they are recruited into a terrorist group. Our panel will discuss this issue from this critical perspective, drawing on first-hand experience interviewing prison inmates.
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